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Do to error codes you should use the old interface when attempting many of these tweaks to your template

Removing Attribution Gadget (Powered By Blogger)

The Attribution gadget is the gadget in the footer that says "Powered By Blogger". If you have tried to remove this then you may of noticed this gadget is locked into you blog.

A lot of people ask are they allowed to remove this from their template. In short yes you are allowed! Although it was meant to give credit to the designers of the template, you can remove it and not get in trouble.  They do go out of their way to make sure you don't remove it,  but their is no agreement or message stating your can not remove it. If you have every used a template or background from a 3rd party site, then you would understand what I am talking about. Their is always some message stating user agreements and part of the message is not to modify the code provided. With Blogger or the Attribution gadget their is not any user agreement on modifying of removing something from your template coding.   So by law without it being clearly stated, they can not prosecute you in anyway for removing this.

Another way to look at this is that this is your blog and sometimes your custom domain bought to provide the content on your site. You have the right to choose what sites you want to give backlinks to. Which with the Attribution gadget you are giving a backlink to the designer of the templates blog or site.

1. Go to Design--> Edit HTML.
2. Expand your Widget Template.
3. Click Ctrl+F for the browser Find bar to pop up.
4. In the Find bar enter  Attribution1

(This will Locate the gadget ID in your template.)

You should see something like this below with the Attribution1 highlighted.
<!-- outside of the include in order to lock Attribution widget -->
      <b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
<b:includable id='main'>
    <div class='widget-content' style='text-align: center;'>
      <b:if cond='data:attribution != &quot;&quot;'>

    <b:include name='quickedit'/>
5. Remove everything you see in red, this includes the blue Attribution1. Do not remove the line that is white!

6. Provided you did it correctly when you save your template you will not get any errors.


  1. What do you mean its not working? Are you getting errors or what is the problem?

  2. Make sure you delete the red only and leave the line that is gray!

  3. woah............. man its working Thanks
    Live Example

  4. Works like a charm. Thanks a million.

  5. Thank you very much for your tweaks .I Have applied some of your Tweaks In blog .Thank you a lot Once again .

  6. Warning: Your new template does not include the following widgets:

    Would you like to keep these widgets on your blog or delete them?
    Deleting widgets cannot be undone.

  7. Yeah that is just a warning to ask you if your sure you want to delete the widget.

  8. Thank you SO much! I'd tried a few other tweaks and it kept reinserting itself. This seems to have worked. Fingers crossed it continues to work *L*

  9. You're a genius. Thank you so much for making this information available.

  10. all i had to do was remove this line

    not sure if blogger code changed since your post, just FYI

  11. Removing one line will remove the attribution gadget but the reason you need to remove more is because the gadget will come back the min you make changes to your template.

  12. thank u...but how to remove the footer

  13. Another way is to replace "true" in the code by "false" in order to unlock it and give us the possibility to remove it()and then, go to "Design" and click to edit the gadget "attribution", then remove it.

  14. Annross you can use this code below to hide the footer in your template. Just input this code in the CSS box in the advanced settings of the template designer. Make sure to hit the space bar after you paste it in the CSS box for it to take effect.

    .fauxborder-left .footer-fauxborder-left {
    display: none;

    Nicolette removing it that way will not remove the gadget for good. In the past that worked but now it will no longer work as well. If you were to edit your template after removing it the way you suggested, the gadget would come right back.

  15. Maladetc, geras variantas. Man tiko. Didziai Dekingas. Good stuff, Thanks.

  16. Thanks for this! It made the bottom of my blog look much cleaner. I appreciate the tip.


  17. Any idea on how to remove the "Header" (Follow, Share, Report Abuse, Next Blog»)

  18. You can find a tweak on this link to hide the blogger navbar.

  19. It worked like a charm. Thanks! I was wondering how designers were getting this removed and replaced with their own.

  20. Fantastic post! Thank you very much :)

  21. I don't want to remove my Attribution widget, but do you have any idea how I might be able to align the text in the Attribution widget to left instead of center?

  22. Design--> Template Designer--> Advanced--> Add CSS--> Input code below

    #Attribution1 {
    text-align: center;

    Hit the space bar after pasting the code in.

  23. Thank you so much........ Big help!!

  24. If I use this tweak, will it remove my next post/previous post buttons from the bottom? because i have already managed to remove the footer, but those buttons are gone too. Thanks for the help!

  25. The Attribution gadget and the next/previous post buttons are two totally different elements. One is located in the Footer the other in the Post Footer. If you removed one in which removes another you probably deleted a third of your template its self... assuming it let you save.

  26. Wow, okay. Is there anyway I can fix it and get my next/previous post buttons back?

    Thanks a lot for your response and help.

  27. You have a code in your template that looks like this below which is what is causing you buttons to be missing. You will need to remove the code from your template.

    .feed-links, .blog-feeds {
    display: none;
    .home-link {
    display: none;
    .blog-pager-older-link {
    display: none;

  28. Thanks a lot for your help!

  29. Nice ... its work.... thnaks

  30. thanks for the help. worked like a charm!

  31. thanks

    after did this one how can we put footer.

    i just want put footer like this below

    Copyright © Shafee,All Rights Reserved.

  32. hey
    after dis one my footer also gone(sha @ 2011,Al rights reserved.)

    i want keep dis sha @ 2011,Al rights reserved without powerd by blogger

    is there any possibilities?

    if we need to remove attribution we can use dis one .Attribution {display: none}

  33. Thanks.
    Text was not quite the same as i seemed to have less. But i deleted what i had and its worked.

  34. Thank-you very much for this. The free blogger template I just installed had placed the Attribution widget in the middle of my sidebar and it was such an eyesore but now its gone! Thanks again.

  35. @Shafeer Rasheed

    I can not post how to do that through this comment box but if you email me through the contact at the top of this site I will be more then happy to help you with that.

  36. Thanks so much! Worked like a charm!

  37. it is very easy to do.thank for sharing with me

  38. Thanks it works great !

  39. Go to 'edit html' in your design tab.

    Find the word 'attribution' (ctrl + f). In that line, it will say 'true', just change that 'true' to a 'false' and save your template.

    Then go to your 'page elements', scroll down to the 'attribution' gadget and edit it. Then all you have to do it hit the remove button.
    The simplest way and worked for me.

    1. That method worked in the past and used to be what this post said to do but it does not work like that anymore. If you remove the gadget in the manner you are suggesting then it will come right back. You probably removed it a while back on your blog when that did work but if you start a new blog and try it again you will find out that it will not stay gone.

    2. @trun tran van ...this is not working all and whn i changed it from true to false it rechanged it automatically n removed my copyrt not blogger's.....

  40. Replies
    1. Click "Delete widgets" after seeing the warning message.

  41. not working

    1. Use the old interface because the new interface is buggy when editing the HTML

  42. I think it should be important to note that this should be done in the old interface. I spent quite a while trying to remove it using the new interface without success. A few seconds in the old interface and it's gone for good!

  43. Thanks so much. This works 100% no worries at all.


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