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Template Designer is Not Changing My Font!

The Template Designer is not changing my font colors, size or style! Many users have stated they are having this problem on their blog. Usually when we see this issue in the Blogger help forums it is followed by screaming or people blaming Blogger. Which I do not blame the person because they are frustrated with the issue. So with this post I am going to explain to you just what is going on.

If you have been pasting content from MS Word or Office to your blog then you can click on the link in this sentence for more about that problem

First off what you need to make sure is that your do not have a font type or color set in your browser. This will override what you may see on your blog. You can usually find setting to change this in your browser tool bar under Tools or View. If this is not your problem then we will move on.

So you can understand what the true issue is I am going to need to give you a quick lesson in computer coding. With Blogger we have two different types of coding styling the font size, color, and type. One is called CSS which is what the Template Designer controls. CSS is used to style just about everything in you blog. If you removed all the CSS from the template then you would be left with a white blank page.

The other is called HTML which is what your Post Editor tools control. This is also known as inline styles since it is within the text line its self. HTML is basically use in Blogger to override the CSS coding.

Lets take a look at both these codes in action

This line is styled by CSS!

This line is styled by HTML!

The top line has no HTML styles to it so it will follower the rules of the CSS font styles. This font can be altered by changing the options in the Template Designer.

The second line contains HTML coding in it which I applied when writing this post. Therefore no matter what I change in the Template Designer, the font will always be red and large. However I did not apply any font type within the Post Editor. Therefore if I was to change the font type in the Template Designer it would also apply to the font in red as well.

Another problem is the mix up with normal font and font styled black. Black font and normal font are not the same. This becomes a problem when people color font and decide they do not want the font to be colored. So naturally the first thought would be to highlight the font and click the black color in the Post Editor. Inside the Post Editor black font and normal font would look the same. However once you view the post on your blog you would see the difference, assuming you don't have the Template Designer font set to black.

Their is however a correct way to remove styles added in the Post Editor.
If you look at the tools in the Post Editor you will see a tool called Remove Formatting. If you highlight the text with the styles in it and click this option you can remove the HTML coding from it. This would return the font to normal which would then allow it to use the CSS styles applied in the Template Designer.

In simply terms the Template Designer rules will not apply to font that has been styled by the Post Editor tools.

If this was not your problem then either you have corrupted your template by changing the template Edit HTML page, or you might want to look into my post on messy HTML.


  1. I have tried everything you mentioned and still no change. Maybe my html is messy? I don't know how I could go about fixing that now though. My font use to be fine and then I payed someone to help me design it and now my fonts wont change :(

  2. I do see a little messy HTML coding but I doubt that is your problem in this case. The post here is for when the template designer does not load at all, but from what your saying it does load it just does not allow you to change your font color.

    I think the reason for that is because the person you asked to design your template removed the variables which were what the Template Designer uses to change the colors.

    If you send me a email through the contact at the top of the site I will try and replace the variables if you want. Your using a basic Minima
    with a few mods in it, so it should not be to hard. Make sure to included your template coding in the email.

    I am assuming qadesign.jenna is the one you paid to design your template. I don't know if I would of paid for something as simple as the design you have. It looks like they just removed your variables that way you would have to come back if you needed more done. Don't worry I am not going to charge you!


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