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Always Remember To Back Up Your Template Before Attempting Any Of The Tweaks On This Site

Do to error codes you should use the old interface when attempting many of these tweaks to your template

Hyperlink Blog Title

When you upload a header image to your blog it will automatically hyperlink the image to your homepage. But if you are not using a image then your title will just remain as text. This tweak below will show you how to get around this problem.

1. Go to Design--> Edit HTML.
2. Click Ctrl+F for the browser Find/Search bar to pop up.
3. Input one of these codes below.

Newer Templates:
<div class='header-outer'>
Older Templates:
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<div id='header'>
4. Change the code as I have below.

Newer Templates:
<div class='header-outer' onclick='location.href = "YOUR LINK URL"'>
Older Templates:
<div id='header-wrapper' onclick='location.href = "YOUR LINK URL"'>
<div id='header' onclick='location.href = "YOUR LINK URL"'>

5. Replace the red text with the link you want to be directed to.

Make note of the ID or Class that you just changed.

6. Scroll up until you see this code below.
7. Just above this code, place one of these codes below. Depending on the code your found in section 3 will determine what code you will use below.

Newer Templates:
.header-outer { cursor: pointer;}
Older Templates:
#header-wrapper { cursor: pointer;}
#header { cursor: pointer;}
You can choose from different cursors, just replace the blue print with the cursor value from the link in this sentence.

8. Save and you done.


  1. What is the use of hyperlinking blog title? Does this affect the seo ranking?

  2. It has no value outside of user navigation.


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